I am compassionately persistent.

I’m straightforward and I combine this with a softness that helps guide healing and growth. My clients learn to see possibilities they haven’t seen before and gain the confidence to be more sincere in their own relationships.

I'm human. It's okay to be yourself around me. I've climbed out of tough spots in life.

I feel strongly that the therapy process is a “we” process, so I work collaboratively.

My extensive and ongoing training and supervision in Emotionally-Focused Therapy is a central focus of my work which is based on the science of attachment and bonding.

My approach has curiosity baked into every moment.

We live in an emotionally-illiterate culture, and it's not your fault! Your feelings, or your confusion about feelings and what to do with them, are welcome in my company.

As a certified trainer from the Center for Nonviolent Communication, I’m trained to guide communication that strives for a world that works for all.

I’m an aspiring ally to all the marginalized identities you live with.

I’m a white, cis-gendered, able-bodied male and U.S. citizen with countless privileged experiences of opportunity. I was raised in a middle-class home with two working entrepreneurs. I attended public education and then was financially supported through three degrees.

My sister told me that I have the gift of compassionate confrontation. I don’t overlook microaggressions. I am a part of an anti-racist, pro-justice community of weekly practice called White Men For Racial Justice.

In my adult life, I’ve learned to better care for my beautiful ADHD brain. I have experience in helping those whose lives are affected by this. I celebrate neurodiversity in the world and love to locate the superpowers in those unique differences.

I’m a Dad to a 15-year-old and a 5-year-old with whom I’m madly in love. My fantastic partner and I strive to parent collaboratively and with relentless empathy.

Some steps along the way

  • Once upon a time, a BS in Organizational Communication and an MS in Hospitality & Tourism Management from the University of Central Florida

  • A short decade later I realized that I was a therapist stuck in a hotel

  • Discovered the book Nonviolent Communication, a Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg

  • Later worked to become a Certified Trainer for the International Center for Nonviolent Communication

  • Completed certification as a Crisis Counselor

  • Completed the yearlong Parent Peer Leadership Program

  • Worked at the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding co-leading youth courses titled Communication & Self-esteem

  • Was an Instructor at Thomas University teaching Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom to graduate students in the College of Education

  • Was the Resource Counselor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law supporting law students through the enormous stress, expectations, competition, stigmas, and emotions of a unique three-year journey. 

  • Earned a Trauma-informed MSW from Edinboro University

My Clinical Social Work license number is SW20539.

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